Day Eleven: Ethnographies of Infrastructure

SDS 237: Data Ethnography

Lindsay Poirier
Statistical & Data Sciences, Smith College

Fall 2023

Select a favorite dataset. Brainstorm a long list of infrastructures that support that dataset.

Turn to your neighbor and discuss:

Pick one supporting infrastructure:

  • How often do you think about this infrastructure? Did you notice it pre-breakdown?
  • Who has a say in the design of this infrastructure, and who is excluded?

Why does Star consider infrastructure relational?

Relationality of Infrastructure

infrastructue is a fundamentally relational concept, becoming real infrastructure in relation to organized practice.

  • Often we think of infrastructure as “just there”
  • Assumes that infrastructure is the same thing for all people all of the time
  • Viewing infrastructure as “relational” acknowledges that certain things become infrastructure to different people in different moments
  • Not so much “what is infrastructure” but “when is infrastructure”

Select one infratucture. How relational? How does it meet the other criteria of infrastructure?

Star’s Definition of Infrastructure

  • Embeddedness: Sunk into other socio-technical structures
  • Transparency: Does not need to continuously be reassembled
  • Reach or Scope: Connects more than one site
  • Learned as part of membership: Use naturalized through communities of practice
  • Embodiment of standards: Component parts can connect through standardized conventions
  • Built on an installed base: Wrestles with the logics of its underlying infrastructures
  • Visible upon breakdown: Often taken for granted until breaking

Master Narratives

  • Singular voice designed into infrastructures that do not attend to diversity
  • Assumed to speak for everyone
  • Identifying involves asking: what has been made other by the design of this infrastructure?

Invisible Work

  • Work that fades into the background when presenting an infrastructure
  • Sometimes invisible because that work is “tacit” or rote
  • Sometimes structurally hidden from view
  • Identifying involves asking: what forms of labor tend to go unrecognized when looking at this infrastructure

Bringing an Ethnographic Sensibility to Archives

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